Zeița dragostei 💙💛❤️ Carlo Troya, istoric italian (1784-1858): „Niciun popor din cele pe care grecii le numeau barbare, nu au o istorie mai veche şi mai certă ca a geţilor sau goţilor. Scopul lucrării mele, Istorie Getică sau Gotică, se împarte în două părţi şi una din ele arată că geţii lui Zamolxe şi ai […]
Buzău UNESCO Global Geopark
The land of LUANA In the Carpathian Bend Area in Romania, the hilly and mountainous territory of the Buzău Land UNESCO Global Geopark covers 1,036 km² and is home to some 45,000 inhabitants. Several tectonic plates collided in the region, creating a very complex fold and thrust mountain range which was later eroded by glacial […]
The story of GAYA
The MYTH of GAYA Once upon a time… GAIA was, in both Romanian and Greek mythologies, the primordial goddess, a personification of the planet Earth – or Terra in the Roman version of the story. In Greek legends, she was regarded as the central figure from which other gods were created. It is a story […]