Categorie: [ roots experience ]

8500 years of continuity * R⊕MANIA Old Europe 🇷🇴 We have all the archaeology, anthropology, genetics, biology, linguistics, geology, folklore etc. to back that up. But it makes it even clearer since the historical documents go hand in hand with the multidisciplinary domains and the research which stands as proof. Open the gates to begin the journey, Pelasgians, the incredible story of mankind, a journey in time, 🇷🇴 a story never told 🇷🇴

The Barbarians 🇬🇧 🇷🇴 BARBARII

🇷🇴 purtătorii de barbă 🇬🇧 the bearded ones 🇷🇴 Get = Pământean, gețuitor (viețuitor), unde Pământ = Geea / Gaia (Geb / Gebeleizis), la fel cum țăran = om din țărână sau om al pământului. ‘Păgân’ vine din lat. Paganus (ceea ce e fals, întrucât este exact invers), unde paganus = ţăran. Cu timpul cuvântul ‘păgân’ a […]

🇷🇴 Suflet Românesc 🇷🇴

🇬🇧 Carolus Lundius (Zamolxis, Primus Getarum Legislator): “It has to be clear for everyone, the ones who antiquity named them with a distinguished admiration Getes, the writers named them afterwards, through a unanimous agreement, Goths. The Greeks and other nations took letters from the Getes. We find with Herodotus and Diodorus, direct opinions about the […]

The C R E A T O R S

🔥 Titans v e r s u s Giants ⚔️ In the beginning of our era, in a letter sent to the leader of Dacians – Cothyso, the Latin poet Ovid names him and his people “People descended from the Gods”. Six centuries earlier, the Greek poet Pindar, citing Phrenicus of Heraclea, wrote about the […]