DRAGONUL din 🐉 Arcul Carpatic Vârfurile de munți din Ținutul Momârlanilor 🐉 Între anii 82 şi 44 î.Hr. 🐉 Regele BUREBISTA 🐉 a reuşit să unifice majoritatea triburilor getice într-un regat uriaş, mărginit la nord de teritoriile actuale ale Cehiei şi Slovaciei, la sud de Munţii Balcani, la vest de Dunărea de mijloc (cam pe […]
Prehistoric DACIA 🇷🇴
🇷🇴 The Pelasgians 🇷🇴 & the holy place of the GETÆ In his magnificent work, ”Prehistoric Dacia”, the historian Nicolae Densușianu offers us the long-sought answer, as a conclusion to his assiduous research on the origins of our ancestors: „Even in Greek antiquity, the Pelasgians were the people to whom traditions and poets attributed the […]
THE noble QUEEN of GETÆ Empire
GETÆ GOLD ✨ Homer in the Iliad, says about the Thracians: “Their armies were shining with golden shields and their treasures were so precious that king Priam could take back from the Greeks the head of his dead son, only after they gave them that famous golden Thracian cup.” Over 6000 years of gold ✨ […]