🏹 GETÆ Iustin, după Trogus Pompeius: “De trei ori au dobândit stăpânirea Asiei, dar ei înșiși au rămas continuu fie neatinși, fie neînvinși de vreo putere străină. Pe Darius, regele perșilor, l-au gonit din Sciția prin fugă rușinoasă; l-au nimicit pe Cirus cu întreaga lui armată; pe Zopyrion, general al lui Alexandru cel Mare, l-au […]
Bucrania ♰ Cult constructions
Bucrania Sanctuaries Neolithic art, transmitted by myths and legends. Bucranium (plural bucrania; Latin, from Greek βουκράνιον, referring to the skull of an ox) was a form of carved decoration commonly used in Classical architecture. The name is generally considered to originate with the practice of displaying garlanded, sacrificial oxen, whose heads were displayed on the […]
The unbeatable Fortress
⚔️ Suceava Citadel The capital of Moldavia ⚔️ The fortress was first mentioned in 1388, but it was later transformed into a residence castle by Alexander the Good (1400-1432) and strongly fortified by Stephen the Great (1457-1504) when Suceava became the capital of Moldavia. Suceava fortress was built at the end of XIV-th century by […]