Bucrania ♰ Cult constructions

Neolithic art, transmitted by myths and legends.
[ roots experience ]

Bucrania ♰ Cult constructions

Bucrania Sanctuaries

Neolithic art, transmitted by myths and legends.

Bucranium (plural bucrania; Latin, from Greek βουκράνιον, referring to the skull of an ox) was a form of carved decoration commonly used in Classical architecture. The name is generally considered to originate with the practice of displaying garlanded, sacrificial oxen, whose heads were displayed on the walls of temples, a practice dating back to the sophisticated Neolithic

Abstract. In this part of this study we analyzed further this theme with references to other objects of worship (small tables-altars and lamps with bucrania), objects with cultic meanings (horn, cornucopia, lamps with bucrania). Another vast topic is related with the idols with horns, mask with horns a.s.o. Adornments and pendants with horns reflect the power of the beneficial bull or the fear towards the wild bull invoking protection.

We have not omitted bull or bucrania bonds with astronomic symbols, such as Sun, Moon, stars, and constellations. Lids of the pots, as well as pots with a face are generally related with cult objects, but lids also have a practical role, protecting the content.

In several archaeological situations have been discovered deposition of trophies (heads, horns) or bucrania is rendered on the facade of cult constructions (house models or sanctuaries). Some cult objects or insignia (scepters, double ax), seals, labrets in the shape of bucrania or tablets include bucrania as sign and symbol, having most often common meanings.

Between insignia, the throne is related mainly with Neolithic divinities ♰ the fallen angels from Turdaș Vinća Culture ♰ their signs and symbols being related with fertility and fecundity.

In Neolithic and Copper Age tools have few meanings in relation with the horn cult or bucrania. From those preserved until our days some belong to cultic inventory and other has the handle shaped as bucrania. Other large subject is related with the pots, pots’ protomas with shapes and meanings related with bucrania. Another analyze is in relation with bucrania and animals of the rupestral art which proceeds the dawn of Neolithic art, transmitted by myths and legends. Other themes related with objects or cult situations refer to bucrania, horn and the column, snake, snake with horn or bucrania in sanctuaries.

Keywords: BUCRANIA, temple, sanctuary, symbol, sign, Prehistory. Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici & Gheorghe-Corneliu Lazarovici 360 °
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