Etichetă: GETICA

Imperiul Getic

🏹 GETÆ Iustin, după Trogus Pompeius: “De trei ori au dobândit stăpânirea Asiei, dar ei înșiși au rămas continuu fie neatinși, fie neînvinși de vreo putere străină. Pe Darius, regele perșilor, l-au gonit din Sciția prin fugă rușinoasă; l-au nimicit pe Cirus cu întreaga lui armată; pe Zopyrion, general al lui Alexandru cel Mare, l-au […]

🏛️ GETÆ 🏛️

The wisdom 🇷🇴 within the souls Justinus about the Getes, after Trogus Pompeius: “Three times they achieved the domination of Asia, but they themselves remained continuously either untouched, or undefeated by some foreign power. Darius the Persian king, they drove him out of Scythia through shameful escape; they crushed Cyrus and his whole army; Zopyrion, […]

The Philistines / Canaanites

The Hittite E M P I R E Some of the oldest written sources reveal that around 2.000 B.C., the Khabiru people – the word Khabiru being used with the meaning of mercenary, confederate, associate – were enlisted as soldiers tofight in the armies of the kings of Larsa and Assur. They appeared in the […]

The Kabyles (Amazigh)

The dust of time… In North and Northwestern Africa, on the west side of the Nile River, live the “Berbers”, as the Arabs call them, or Kabyle, Imazighen (singular: Amazigh), Imazyen or Tamazight, as they call themselves; they number approximately 23 million people, residing in enclaves scattered throughout Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Mali and […]