🇷🇴 the ROOTS of ⚔️ Alexander the GREAT 🇷🇴 Pelasgian 🏹 Army ⚔️ In the Bible, Alexander the GHREAT is referred to as Macedonian from Kittim, that is Hittite, who had conquered Greeks and become their king. This means Macedonians were not only Pelasgian, as Justin tell us, but were also related to Anatolians like […]
David & GOLIAT
Tabăra Filistenilor Povestea triumfului omului obişnuit în faţa unui gigant. Soarta conflictului decisă printr-o luptă om la „om”, o tradiţie în luptele din antichitate, prin care disputele puteau fi rezolvate fără vărsarea de sânge ce ar fi decurs dintr-o bătălie majoră. În acea vreme, filistenii şi-au strâns trupele pentru război la Soco, în Iuda, aşezându-şi […]
The C R E A T O R S
🔥 Titans v e r s u s Giants ⚔️ In the beginning of our era, in a letter sent to the leader of Dacians – Cothyso, the Latin poet Ovid names him and his people “People descended from the Gods”. Six centuries earlier, the Greek poet Pindar, citing Phrenicus of Heraclea, wrote about the […]