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R E A C T I O N A R Y!
Mihai Eminescu’s reply to the accusation of reactionarism – as well as and, at the same time, THAT HALF OF THE SAME BEING of Eminescu’s political testament. Translated from Romanian by Radu Mihai CRIŞAN, Doctor of Economics – specialty History of Economic Thinking. TIBO PUBLISHING HOUSE, Bucharest 2008.
However, the experience has proved that the introduction of content deprived forms is far from representing an accurate compensation of the sacrifices required for [their] creation, that the people sink into poverty by work waste, totally disproportioned compared to the benefits that could be get from such innovations.(;) It would be finally needed, to perform a heroic attack to the causes producing the decadence and diminution of populations; it would be necessary that the general interest will not seem to us as a futile action or an unachievable utopian idea.
The advanced forms of a hasty civilisation, stuck like exotic plants in our ground, would have probably been inappropriate for us, but gradually and patiently our culture will adapt itself and,from a cosmopolite culture, will become a national one. Mihai Eminescu
Formă şi fond (Form and Content), 11 decembrie (December 11th) 1888, Fântâna Blanduziei (Blanduzia’s Fountain), in Mihai Eminescu, Opere, vol. XIII, Critical edition founded by Perpessicius, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 1985, pg. 331, 332.
Who is Mihai Eminescu?
„The contempt for government‘s usurpation bythose few people who didn’t even developed bytheir own intelligence, culture and work”. „The reverence for those times of honesty,resoluteness and measure”. „The affirmation of the eternal Romanian unity, the horror of the foreign invasion that kills a conscience, hinders development, ruins the future, and doesn’t pay any attention to the past, in order to replace all above with plunder and corruption, whatever the invader’s name would be, the first one among the cultured nations or the last Asian plebs”. Nicolae Iorga
Three excerpts from the speech held on October 16th, 1911, in Galaţi, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Mihai Eminescu statue. You can find the whole text of his speech in: Nicolae Iorga, Eminescu, Edition elaborated, including introductory study, notes and references by Nicolae Iliu, Junimea Publishing House, Iaşi, 1981, pg. 112, 113.
For Thou Alone Art Lord,
Thou Alone Art without Sin.
In my opinion, I am neither anti-Semite, nor philosemit; neither xenophobe, nor xenophile; neither chauvinist, nor renegade. As the apostles, I confess that « Lord, Thou alone art without sin » and I feel an invincible repugnance, both at praising up to the sky, and anathematizing. And this, especially when speaking about personalities and historical events related to which I am fully aware about my imperfect knowledge.
I resolutely believe in the sublime part of the soul in each of us and in the holiness of the human duty of seeking the Truth for oneself – being one and the same with God. This faith is the first and the last thought that stimulated me to draw up this moral restitution. Of course, whatever searches undertaken beyond the thin layer of the political and historical taboos, show to their privileged author the view of hidden spiritual icons.
Icons imprinted, under circumstances like the present one, also by the contact with extremely sensitive aspects. Thus, it goes without saying: the pertinence of whatever cognitive effort in this field is subject to the integration of the respective aspects in the investigative approach. Of course, honestly and decently, without passion and without the slightest preconceived idea. This is exactly what I was striving to do, with all my powers, it is at stake to find in this work some quoted passages that are far from being comfortable. Amen
If our tendencies and ideas could be called reactionary, an epithet used by our opponents to gratify us, we admit such reaction only in the sense given to it by the physiology, namely the reaction of a body capable to become healthy again, against the harmful influences of the foreign elements introduced into it. Mihai Eminescu
Exprimată în termenii cei mai generali… (Expressed in most general terms…), Timpul, August 17th, 1879, in Opere, vol.X, Critical Edition founded by Perpessicius, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (Editura Academiei), Bucharest, 1989 pg. 315.
Eminescu’s political testament * PDF
360 ° EMINESCU, Testamentul politic.
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