the SFINX from Transfăgărășan Probably the best touristic experience in the world 🇷🇴 Top 10 tourist 💙💛❤ experiences in ROMANIA ● The titans ⚔️ war ⚔️ ● the 🔥 real story 🔥 of Dracula ● Hiking in Carpathian mountains ● the SFINX from Transfăgărășan ● Wine tasting in famous vineyards ● Cucuteni Museum from Piatra […]
The Origin of the “Star of David”
The story of Hexagram 🇷🇴 🇮🇱 🇷🇴 Our ancestors were contemporaries 🐃 of the 🐃 mammoths Here is another proof of our continuous existence in the Carpathian lands discovered in the 1970s by archaeologist Nicolae Chetraru from Basarabia, who had thoroughly searched the palaeolithic grotto of Brînzeni, on the Racovăț Rivulet (Basarabia), a few kilometres […]
The triumph over the GIANTS
the Folk Descended from Gods 🇷🇴 In the year 86 Rome once again whips itself into a frenzy and sends a great flood of legionaries to tear down the Holy Country Dio Geta so as to enslave the Folk Descended from Gods, the stately GETÆ, left testimony by the poet Martial who names emperor Domitian […]