D R A C O N 🐺 DRACON 🐺 DRACO 🐺 Stindardul 🇷🇴 Armatei. Stindardul de luptă al geților 🐺 lupul cu trup de șarpe / balaur sau dragon 🐉 a fost unul dintre cele mai de temut însemne militare ale lumii antice. Avea formă unui cap de lup cu gură deschisă, care se continua […]
The Ancestors of Humanity
The incredible 🇷🇴 story of mankind The Primary ۞ Geometry That the Pelasgians reached all the corners of the world and influenced, enriched and also gave birth to many cultures around the world, there is no doubt. This is the greatest cover-up in the history of humanity. When they were already flourishing in the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic […]