🌈 ΛRC⊕DΛBΛRΛ ♰ legătura dintre om și divinitate ♰ Facerea 6 / 1-6 În Cartea lui Eno, varianta etiopiană, scrie că îngerii veghetori îngerii decăzuți s-au împreunat cu fetele oamenilor şi au născut uriașii. “Cînd au început oamenii să se înmulțească pe fața pămîntului şi li s-au născut fete, fiii lui Dumnezeu au văzut că […]
The greatest cover-up in the history of humanity
The Ariminic ♰ Christianity ♰ The information handed down from antiquity by both the Greeks and the Romans, recognizes the fact that the ancient world considered the area around the Carpathians, as the “Land of the Gods”, with the “City of God”, and that it was here where the Human Race was created, it was […]
The folklore is oxygen for an asthmatic country.
A story never told… The incredible story of mankind [ u n t o l d ] A journey in time, a story never told… The incredible story of mankind. That the Pelasgians reached all the corners of the world and influenced, enriched and also gave birth to many cultures around the world, there is […]