Ancient Dacia 🐉 The legend of Water Dragon The necklace features a metal wolf’s head connected to the armor of the water dragon adorned with embellishments. The entire necklace is created as a three-dimensional piece. The water wolf, designed as a dragon, has fins, armor decorated with embroidery, crystals, sequins, and beads. The dragon’s tail […]
Orfevrierii GETÆ ✨
Brățara de aur de la Dipșa & Tezaurul de la Căuaș ✨ Orfevrierii Geto-Daci ✨ Magazin Istoric, iunie 1983 Între secolele IX şi VI [î.Hr.]… geții dezvoltau aici în Dacia o artă proprie a aurului, ale cărei produse umpleau tot centrul şi nordul Europei, concurînd cu arta etruscă a bronzului şi argintului. VASILE PÂRVAN Tezaurul de […]
THE noble QUEEN of GETÆ Empire
GETÆ GOLD ✨ Homer in the Iliad, says about the Thracians: “Their armies were shining with golden shields and their treasures were so precious that king Priam could take back from the Greeks the head of his dead son, only after they gave them that famous golden Thracian cup.” Over 6000 years of gold ✨ […]