“Egyptians were 🇪🇬 certainly not making pottery like this 💙💛❤ ” A Lost European Culture Pulled From Obscurity By John Noble Wilford The New York TIMES 🇺🇸 Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and […]
Bunicii Egiptenilor [ ţΘώθ ]
Thṓth Thoth (/θoʊθ, toʊt/; from Koinē Greek: Θώθ thṓth, borrowed from Coptic, the reflex of Ancient Egyptian: ḏḥwtj „[He] is like the Ibis”) is an ancient Egyptian deity. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, […]
♦ Începutul lumii ♦ Europalia – Liège ♦
„Originile Europei“ Muzeul Le Grand Curtius – Liège, Belgia. EUROPALIA – 8 noiembrie 2019 – 26 aprilie 2020 România prezintă „Originile Europei“, prin artefacte cu o vechime de aproape șapte mii de ani, la EUROPALIA. Peste 450 de bunuri culturale și seturi de artefacte arheologice acoperind o perioadă de aproape cinci milenii, obiecte preistorice descoperite […]