🇷🇴 The Pelasgians 🇷🇴 & the holy place of the GETÆ In his magnificent work, ”Prehistoric Dacia”, the historian Nicolae Densușianu offers us the long-sought answer, as a conclusion to his assiduous research on the origins of our ancestors: „Even in Greek antiquity, the Pelasgians were the people to whom traditions and poets attributed the […]
The story of GAYA
The MYTH of GAYA Once upon a time… GAIA was, in both Romanian and Greek mythologies, the primordial goddess, a personification of the planet Earth – or Terra in the Roman version of the story. In Greek legends, she was regarded as the central figure from which other gods were created. It is a story […]
Dacia Preistorică
H Y P E R B O R E A 🔥 Valea HIPERBOREEI 🔥 Nicolae Densuşianu: „Această rasă activă şi laborioasă, dotată cu o putere miraculoasă de creştere şi expansiune, îşi continuă de la Dunărea de jos migraţiunile sale către părţile meridionale. De pe culmile, văile şi câmpurile Carpaţilor, necontenite roiuri noi de triburi pastorale […]