Etichetă: Roots Experience

The C R E A T O R S

🔥 Titans v e r s u s Giants ⚔️ In the beginning of our era, in a letter sent to the leader of Dacians – Cothyso, the Latin poet Ovid names him and his people “People descended from the Gods”. Six centuries earlier, the Greek poet Pindar, citing Phrenicus of Heraclea, wrote about the […]

Roots Experience 💙💛❤

⚔️ GETÆ ⚔️ André Armand: „Indeed this is one of the oldest peoples of Europe… be them Thracians, Getes or Dacians. The peoples have remained the same since the Neolithic era, polished stone era, until today, so sustaining the continuity of a nation by example, maybe unique in the history of the world.” ✨ PELASGIANS […]