Lună: ianuarie 2021

Roman legionary 🦅 eagles 🦅

Lost eagles 🦅 of Roman army The Battle of ⚔️ TAPÆ In 86, during the Dacian Wars of the Domitian, the fifth legion of Alaudae was completely annihilated at the Battle of Tapae, and his eagle was captured by the victorious Dacians. Domitian’s Dacian wars started with general Oppius Sabinus leading I Italica (and vexillations […]

Mureș River Valley

Tărtăria SWAMP Tărtăria & Sacred Tablets The area of the Tărtăria site is situated between mountain ranges to the north and the valley of the Mureș River, dominated by agricultural areas. Tărtăria site is in Alba County, close to the small railway station of the village. The site is located on the upper terrace of […]

Plimbare prin România

Ținutul ancestral… Din Sibiu 💙💛❤ prin Alba IULIA 🇷🇴 spre 🐑 HUNEDOARA 🐑 Prin transhumanță, strămoșii noștri au dus tradițiile și obiceiurile rumânilor mult peste granițele actuale chiar mult peste cele ale României MARI. Nu pot să îmi imaginez Hunedoara fără Alba Iulia și nici Alba Iulia fără Hunedoara, cultura Turdaș – Vinča fiind punctul […]