Mureș River Valley

* the archaeological richness
[ roots experience ]

Mureș River Valley


& Sacred Tablets

The area of the Tărtăria site is situated between mountain ranges to the north and the valley of the Mureș River, dominated by agricultural areas. Tărtăria site is in Alba County, close to the small railway station of the village.

The site is located on the upper terrace of the Mureș River, which in older times was a middle terrace, bordered by two valleys; Tărtăria valley and a smaller valley between Tărtăria and Pianul de Sus. During an older geological period, the Mureș River withdrew from the middle terrace. The stream was fl owing East-West on the border of topographic curve of 221 m. Because of this course (that lasted a long period) a small valley appeared in the Southern part of the site. As a result, an oval terrace of about 223–225 m heights formed to the north. This oval terrace was oriented East-West and a little bit isolated from the river (Mureș was flowing then under the area of the site). Its local name, Groapa Luncii, suggest that it collected the water from the overfl ows.

In the area of Tărtăria, the valley of the River Mureș is large and incorporates several old riverbeds. During periods with a lot of rain, some of these areas become marshes. After the modern regularization of the river, these areas are used for agricultural purposes. Although agriculture was more primitive during the Neolithic, the presence of intensely used axes, starting with the Vinča A level, suggests the presence of a practical community. This conclusion is also supported by the analysis of ceramic categories found in this area. The area off ered excellent conditions for fi shing, as the overfl owing of the Mureș River brought fish into the swampy areas. The nearby areas of these swamps were inhabited from prehistory until the Roman period.

The archaeological
richness of the area

The memories of a local schoolteacher, Petru Balosin (see below) off era glimpse of the situation in the 1920s: “At about 2 km afar from the limit of the Swamp (towards Blandiana) in the years 1920–1925 when I was a child of 10 years old and I was with the cows and horses on the pasture from the Swamp (Tărtăria), several times I found Roman tiles. We used these thick, fired tiles, entire or fragmentary, to stop the water of a spring, one of the many in the area, [where] we collected the water and swamp… ”

People from the village, from Tărtăria found some foundations, took the stones and brought them home. Here they built foundations for houses and stables. The foundations they had found were located at the limit of the Swamp, under the flank, where the soil is going down towards the Mureș meadow and has about 10 m and a rectangular or square shape. The Mureș River is to the west at about 1 km afar”.

This passage from „Tărtăria & Sacred Tablets” book wrote by Gheorghe Lazarovici and Marco Merlinii shows once more the archaeological richness of the area. Enjoy the journey, a journey in time 🇷🇴 a story never told 🇷🇴

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CSR project by B2B Strategy
Written by Daniel ROȘCA

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