Categorie: [ roots experience ]

8500 years of continuity * R⊕MANIA Old Europe 🇷🇴 We have all the archaeology, anthropology, genetics, biology, linguistics, geology, folklore etc. to back that up. But it makes it even clearer since the historical documents go hand in hand with the multidisciplinary domains and the research which stands as proof. Open the gates to begin the journey, Pelasgians, the incredible story of mankind, a journey in time, 🇷🇴 a story never told 🇷🇴

The Mystery of the Danube Civilisation

Europe’s 💙💛❤ oldest civilisation Harald Haarmann, German savant: “The oldest writing in the world is that of Tărtăria – Romania. The Danubian Civilization is the first great civilization in history, preceding by thousands of years the Sumerian civilization.” Marco Merlini, Italian archaeologist, about the Tărtăria tablets and the bones found along with them: “The bones, […]

Roman legionary 🦅 eagles 🦅

Lost eagles 🦅 of Roman army The Battle of ⚔️ TAPÆ In 86, during the Dacian Wars of the Domitian, the fifth legion of Alaudae was completely annihilated at the Battle of Tapae, and his eagle was captured by the victorious Dacians. Domitian’s Dacian wars started with general Oppius Sabinus leading I Italica (and vexillations […]

Mureș River Valley

Tărtăria SWAMP Tărtăria & Sacred Tablets The area of the Tărtăria site is situated between mountain ranges to the north and the valley of the Mureș River, dominated by agricultural areas. Tărtăria site is in Alba County, close to the small railway station of the village. The site is located on the upper terrace of […]

Roots Experience 💙💛❤

⚔️ GETÆ ⚔️ André Armand: „Indeed this is one of the oldest peoples of Europe… be them Thracians, Getes or Dacians. The peoples have remained the same since the Neolithic era, polished stone era, until today, so sustaining the continuity of a nation by example, maybe unique in the history of the world.” ✨ PELASGIANS […]