The Egyptian priests 🇪🇬 & the ancient Carpathian 💙💛❤️ civilization of the 4th millennium Philo of Byblos (64-141), a Phoenician who wrote Phoenician History (some of its fragments being available to these days due to the book Praeparatio Evangelica (I.9), written by Eusebius of Caesarea) also states that Cronos the titan, brother of Atlas, inherited […]
Totemurile din religia geților
Religia Geților Geto-dacii nu făceau sacrificii. Ei judecau aşa ”nu jertfă”, prin aceste cuvinte înţelegându-se clar că în numele unei idei, religii sau în numele unei doctrine, dogme, sau unui canon nu avem voie să sacrificăm oameni sau animale, pentru că îl sacrificăm pe Dumnezeu Însuşi, care priveşte prin conştiinţa acelor oameni / animale sacrificaţi […]
FOLQR NFT Primary ۞ Geometry
FOLQR NFT by NFT Monk The Primary ۞ Geometry That the Pelasgians reached all the corners of the world and influenced, enriched and also gave birth to many cultures around the world, there is no doubt. When they were already flourishing in the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic space, the Emesh, the Egyptians or the Greeks didn’t even exist […]