A story never told 🇷🇴 🇷🇴 CUCUTENI NFT 🇷🇴 🇷🇴 Europe GENESYS 🇷🇴 “The Neolithic cultures Cucuteni 🇷🇴 and Gumelnița are maybe Europe’s richest.” John Maridis, 1968, professor at University of London, states. “Romania is the hearth of what I named Old Europe, a cultural entity of 6.500 – 3.500 B.C., based on a matriarchal […]
The Lost World of Old Europe
“Egyptians were 🇪🇬 certainly not making pottery like this 💙💛❤ ” A Lost European Culture Pulled From Obscurity By John Noble Wilford The New York TIMES 🇺🇸 Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and […]
Vechiul testament
Dinastia Rumânilor… … o poveste atemporală! Cu alte cuvinte Vechiul Testament – Civilizația Antedeluviană, Necropolele de uriași, Vatra de cult a nemuritoritorilor v e r s u s Noul Testament – Tezaurul Princiar Agighiol & Dinastia Asăneștilor, Fraţii Petru și Asan – Țara Valahilor. Sintetizând, 7527 de ani de continuitate, concept prezentat la cele mai […]