🐉 şerpii albi 🐉 ȘIRIA, Şoimoş & Dezna. Parte din vechea arhitectură de apărare a Cavalerilor Danubieni (ȘIRIA, Şoimoş & Dezna) Cetatea SIRIA, este un monument istoric care datează din secolul al XIII-lea. Zidită pe Dealul Cetății la o altitudine de 496 de m în Comuna SIRIA din Arad. Rolul cetății a fost de apărare […]
The DRAGON Wolf 🐺
Ancestral Warrior 🐉 MYTHOLOGY Alpha Wolf Nobility 🐺 The battle banner of the GETÆ 🐺 the wolf with the body of a 🐉 snake / dragon 🐉 was one of the most feared military symbol of the ancient world. It had the shape of a wolf’s head with an open mouth, which continued with a […]
The fight with ⚔️ ROME ⚔️
The story of GETÆ 🐺 The Folk Descended from GODS In the year 86 Rome once again whips itself into a frenzy and sends a great flood of legionaries to tear down the Holy Country Dio Geta so as to enslave the Folk Descended from Gods, the stately GETÆ, left testimony by the poet Martial […]