The fight with ⚔️ ROME ⚔️

The fearless GETÆ ⚔️ The story of GETÆ

The story of GETÆ 🐺

The Folk Descended from GODS

In the year 86 Rome once again whips itself into a frenzy and sends a great flood of legionaries to tear down the Holy Country Dio Geta so as to enslave the Folk Descended from Gods, the stately GETÆ, left testimony by the poet Martial who names emperor Domitian “vanquisher of the giants“…

… while the poet Arruntius Stella praises the same emperor for his “triumph over the giants“. I doubt the wretched Romans had aired their beards in the sun for too long and had from exposure written about our ancestors such astonishing words that Romanians of today are incapable of believing. This was the truth in those times about the Folk Descended from Gods or the stately GETÆ.

The fight of TAPÆ ⚔️

The world of the Hyperboreans

The GETÆ are Hyperboreans descended from the giants or the old titans and with them the gods were born. This truth was also known in the first centuries A.D., proven by Cassius Dio in Roman History LXVII, 7, where, after the fighting at TAPÆ in 89 A.D., mato Diogio, as written in the lead plates (dubbed Decebalus by Cassius) who was the basileus of the ⚔️ GETÆ army ⚔️ was defeated by Tettius Iulianus.

The Roman general takes the cognomen Hyperborean (victor Hiperboreo namen ab orbe tulit – being victorious, he took from the world the name of Hyperborean). Witness to the events lived by Domitian, the poet Martial, in an epigram addressed to his friend who was part of the Roman army that was to wage battle with the fearless GETÆ, writes: “Soldier Marcellin, you set out to take upon your shoulders the Hyperborean sky and the stars of the Getic pole“.

The same author names Domitian’s victory over Gezino „hiperboreus triumphus” and further: “Thrice went he through the perfidious horns of the Sarmatic Istrus; thrice he bathed his horse in the snows of the GETÆ; forever modest, he refused the triumph befitting him and brought with himself only the renown of having defeated the world of the Hyperboreans“.

Lost eagles 🦅
of Roman army

The standard of the Praetorian Guard, Roman legionary 🦅 eagles 🦅 In 86, during the Dacian Wars of the Domitian, the fifth legion of Alaudae was completely annihilated at the Battle of TAPÆ, and his eagle was captured by the victorious Dacians.

Domitian’s Dacian wars started with general Oppius Sabinus leading I Italica (and vexillations from V Macedonica) killed and the legion destroyed. Domitian’s first campaign in Dacia had Cornelius Fuscus, general and commander of the Pretorian Guard, lead 6 legions into GETÆ Empire, which were badly beaten, with Fuscus killed and the Legion V Alaudae being destroyed and losing it’s eagle and most of the standards (including the standard of the Praetorian Guard).

For the second GETÆ campaign, Domitian had general Tettius Iulianus lead at least 6 legions. Another roman legion (XXI Rapax) was destroyed in Moesia inferior in 92. For his GETÆ campaigns, emperor Trajan summoned no less than 17 legions.

Just as a short summary, 2-3 roman legions completely destroyed, an army of 6 legions beaten, with another 17 legions army summoned for the last invasion!

In 378 A.D. also the Romans suffered a defeat in the battle of Adrianople. It comprised seven legions — among which were the Legio I Maximiana and imperial auxiliaries and it ended with an overwhelming victory for the Goths the Gets and the death of Emperor Valens. Part of the Gothic Getic War (376–382), the battle is often considered the start of the process which led to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century.

At least 30 ⚔️ legions
& at most 30 🦅 eagles

Bărboşi, Horezu, Răcari 🇷🇴 Orlea & Sălcuţa 🦅 eagles. Absolutely by chance, a Roman bronze aquila discovered in the ploughed field in the area of the locality Sălcuţa, Dolj County, south of today Romania. The piece was fully cast, and its weight shows that the metal composition contains, except for bronze or other metals, an important quantity of lead. On its surface there is a greenish patina, characteristic of ancient bronze pieces; this patina is “interrupted” from place to place because the piece was gilded on the entire surface. The few preserved details allow us to consider that the aquila was carefully made. If we take into consideration that the piece was gilded then we can say that it is a valuable representation belonging to an important military unit; Dimensions: the length- 16.8cm; the height- 8.2cm. Weight- 340g.

See the entire story
of GETÆ Empire

Written by Daniel ROȘCA

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