Parâng Pharang PHARANX Into the ❤️💛💙 LAND OF THE G I A N T S 🇷🇴 „It was in those times that the giants appeared on earth, especially since the sons of God had begun to chase the daughters of men and they had begun to bear their sons: these are the valiant heralds of […]
🐉 ECHIDNA 🐉 Mama 🐉 Dragonilor Istoricul antic Herodot a dat primele informaţii despre agatârşi (agathyrsi), populaţie pe care o localiza, în secolul V î. Hr., pe actualul teritoriu al Transilvaniei: “Iar ea (n.r. Echidna, fiinţă mitologică jumătate femeie, jumătate şarpe), când copiii pe care îi născuse au devenit bărbaţi, i-a numit pe unul dintre […]
The 🔥 WAR 🔥 against the GIANTS
Around 8500 years AGO 🇷🇴 🔥 HYPERBOREA 🔥 🔥 a story never told 🔥 In the beginning of our era, in a letter sent to the leader of Dacians – Cothyso, the Latin poet Ovid names him and his people “People descended from the Gods”. Six centuries earlier, the Greek poet Pindar, citing Phrenicus of […]