Into the ❤️💛💙
G I A N T S 🇷🇴
„It was in those times that the giants appeared on earth, especially since the sons of God had begun to chase the daughters of men and they had begun to bear their sons: these are the valiant heralds of the ancient times.” The Bible – Genesis
The foundation of the world.
Mysterious stones and rocks with human faces. Colossuses with stone faces since the foundation of the world. The Bible mentions them discreetly, as a glimpse through the ephemeral existence. The Giants. Those beings from mankind’s primordial past disappeared without a trace, and the few references to them do not entirely clear up the mystery. But should it be so? Did the giants disappear without leaving anything behind?
We invite you on a fabulous journey in the footsteps of the giants, on mountain paths that lead to where they live, in the Land of the Giants. Mythological creatures that once ruled the Earth, the giants disappeared without a trace, and their supposed existence is disputed today. But, ancient references and archaeological discoveries, mostly accidental, seem to lead us to two big questions: Did giants really exist? And, who were they in reality?
In his magnificent work, ”Prehistoric Dacia”, the historian Nicolae Densușianu offers us the long-sought answer, as a conclusion to his assiduous research on the origins of our ancestors. „Even in Greek antiquity, the Pelasgians were the people to whom traditions and poets attributed the name of giants.” Under the relentless burden of time and with the fire that consumed the Library of Alexandria, with the largest archive of documents known in the ancient world, the ancient history and many secrets of the ancient world seem to have disappeared forever. Not all ancient sources perished in the tumult of the times, in the fire of the famous library of antiquity or from intentional destruction. References and mentions of giants have survived to the present day, and physical evidence that they really existed can be found right here in the Land of the Giants.
Let’s start walking together in their footsteps.
Since the beginning of his existence, man has been dominated by beliefs and religion. They appeared as a result of phenomena that man could neither explain nor master. But, in his world appeared entities either descended from heaven, with forces and manifestations beyond his power of understanding, or conceived here on Earth.
The scribes and poets of the ancient world evoke these mythological characters in their works: the giants or titans, as they are also known. Authors, such as the Greek poet Pindar, the Latin poet Ovid, Pseudo-Apollodor or Diodorus, locate this land of the giants, north of the Black Sea, in the land of the Hyperboreans, as Nicolae Densușianu tells us, following the research carried out in his work Prehistoric Dacia: „In prehistoric antiquity, the Carpathian Mountains were called the Hyperboreans, and the Bucegi Mountains were the holy place of the GETÆ.”
Following a long scientific research, consulting ancient documents, some of which have never been made public, Nicolae Densușianu indicates the place where the giants appeared, as being located on the territory of our country. Today, many historians and researchers, especially foreign ones, confirm his theories. Magnificent, majestic, this land of the ancient gods, described and sung in the old legends from the primordial beginnings of mankind, opens the gate to the mysterious world of the Hyperboreans. Let’s enter the fabulous Land of the Giants!
🔥 R H A B O N 🔥
The journey takes us to the Jiu Valley, accompanied by Rhabon, as the Jiu River was called in ancient times. On the winding and wandering paths of the Valley, we begin our quest, treading in the footsteps of the titans, those human colossuses who once bore their great, heavy footsteps across these lands. In search of the giants, the steps take us to the Parâng moutainous massif. This legendary mountain was the silent witness of the times when gods and giants trod the Earth. The Parang mountain is still considered today as a mystical gate, a way to pass into the ancient world, in the early days, when the world of the giants faced the world of the gods.
The chained 🔥
Here, on the Lake Mija – Stars of the Getic Pole route in the Parâng massif, we discover the griffin and the chained Prometheus, doomed to suffer endlessly. As punishment given by Zeus for stealing fire and giving it to humans, he was chained to a rock for eternity while the griffin eats his liver every day, which then regenerates every time. Immortalized in stone, as an eternal curse, for his audacity against the world from which he comes, Prometheus and the griffin that carries his suffering beyond the boundaries of the world and time, stand even today as a testimony of their existence in the distant past of mankind.
„Who can say that he would have discovered copper, iron, silver and gold before me, these useful things hidden in the bosom of the earth? I know well that no one will be able to support this, unless they want to boast in a brave way.” Aeschylus (525 BC – 456 BC), Greek playwright, about Prometheus.
The Parang mountain is a gateway to the old world. Ancient mysteries still dwell here. Some can be seen with the naked eye, others are still hidden in caves or places not yet discovered. But the legend of Prometheus does not have its cradle in ancient Greece, but on the Atlas mountain, in the entire southeastern corner of the Carpathian mountains. This confirmation is written even by Aeschylus and Herodotus, when antiquity kept fresh in memory many happenings and events from the ancient past of mankind.
Scythia 🇷🇴
In the documents that Densușianu researched, some of which are original texts, in the possession of various libraries in Europe and for the study of which he traveled there, here is what he tells us in Prehistoric Dacia, about Prometheus:
„The legend of Prometheus shows us one of the most sublime images of the birthing civilization of the Pelasgian people. Prometheus, the most powerful genius of the Pelasgian times, was chained in Scythia, in the Land of Iron, in the remote territory of the old world, in a mountainous region, uncrossed, on some rocks with deep chasms.”
The geographic location of where Prometheus was martyred has created much confusion and controversy among historians and scholars who have studied the legend. And this is because there are two legends that talk about the punishment of Prometheus. Various post-Hesiod Greek authors claim that the titan Prometheus was nailed to Mount Caucasus in Scythia, but following the first legend, many identified him with the Caucasus in Asia.
In Prehistoric Dacia, Nicolae Densușianu tells us about the historical controversy sparked by the two versions of the legend and which has been debated since antiquity, creating a large number of poems, descriptions and explanations, as Densușianu tells us. Of the two geographical locations, only one is the real one. Quoting Densușianu, we ask ourselves rhetorically: what is the Caucasus that the second legend of Prometheus tells us about?
One of the scholars of the twelfth century, Bishop Eustasius of Thessalonica (XII century) tells us in his work Commentaries, the following: „But that Caucasus, on which, according to legends, Prometheus was crucified, does not appear on the geographical tables, so say the old authors.”
Parangos 🇷🇴 PHARANG
The Roman historian Florus, of Berber origin, born around 70 AD, tells us the following information: „…under the name of Caucasus is undoubtedly a mountain on the territory of ancient Scythia, or the southern chain of the Dacian Carpathians.” Also, the famous tragic poet of ancient Greece, Aeschylus, in his tragedy tells the legend of Prometheus and indicates the place where it took place. „Near this mountain, called Pharang, flowed the great and divine river of the ancient world called the Oceanos potamos or Istrus of historic times.”
Looking at the two anthropomorphic representations that illustrate the eternal suffering of the god Prometheus because he dared to give people a part of the Great Universal Knowledge, we can transpose ourselves for a few moments to the times of the gods and giants.
Let’s see and feel ❤️💛💙
them with our mind’s eye.
Parâng 🇷🇴 PHARANG
As a prophecy, which Aeschylus reveals in his work, the eternal suffering of Prometheus will continue even after he is released from the stone body of the mountain. From this cold darkness and tormented by its immobility, the body of the titan brought back to life, will continue to suffer, as the god Mercury sends him the news, sent by Jupiter, the greatest of the gods, to Prometheus chained on Mount Pharang: „… after a long interval you will come to light, and then Joe’s winged dog, the bloodthirsty eagle, will greedily tear pieces from your body and feed on your black liver.”
Europe GENESYS 💙💛❤️
On these mythic and majestic plains and heights, in our search, we found the legendary Prometheus and the griffin that does not lessen his suffering and agony, both frozen in time and captive in stone, cursed to tell their tale, until when the world itself will no longer exist. „The Pharang of Prometheus appears to us like a mountain from the western parts of Olt. By name, by its location and descriptions, it corresponds in all respects to today’s Mount Parâng.”
Nicolae Densușianu – Prehistoric Dacia
Stay with us, we are developing together a NFT Play to Earn (P2E) gaming experience 🇷🇴 Europe GENESYS 🇷🇴 in Old EUROPE 🇷🇴 Metaverse 🇷🇴 The WAR against the GIANTS, a story inspired by real historical facts & real sphinxes from Hyperborea Valley, Jiu Valley, ROMANIA.
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The WAR against 🔥 the GIANTS 🔥
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