Etichetă: Zopyrion

Luptele geților cu macedonienii

⚔️ ZOPYRION ⚔️ Iustin, după Trogus Pompeius: “De trei ori au dobândit stăpânirea Asiei, dar ei înșiși au rămas continuu fie neatinși, fie neînvinși de vreo putere străină. Pe Darius, regele perșilor, l-au gonit din Sciția prin fugă rușinoasă; l-au nimicit pe Cirus cu întreaga lui armată; pe Zopyrion, general al lui Alexandru cel Mare, […]

Alexander 🏹 The pelasgian

🇷🇴 the ROOTS of ⚔️ Alexander the GREAT 🇷🇴 Pelasgian 🏹 Army ⚔️ In the Bible, Alexander the GHREAT is referred to as Macedonian from Kittim, that is Hittite, who had conquered Greeks and become their king. This means Macedonians were not only Pelasgian, as Justin tell us, but were also related to Anatolians like […]

🇷🇴 Suflet Românesc 🇷🇴

🇬🇧 Carolus Lundius (Zamolxis, Primus Getarum Legislator): “It has to be clear for everyone, the ones who antiquity named them with a distinguished admiration Getes, the writers named them afterwards, through a unanimous agreement, Goths. The Greeks and other nations took letters from the Getes. We find with Herodotus and Diodorus, direct opinions about the […]