Categorie: [ roots experience ]

8500 years of continuity * R⊕MANIA Old Europe 🇷🇴 We have all the archaeology, anthropology, genetics, biology, linguistics, geology, folklore etc. to back that up. But it makes it even clearer since the historical documents go hand in hand with the multidisciplinary domains and the research which stands as proof. Open the gates to begin the journey, Pelasgians, the incredible story of mankind, a journey in time, 🇷🇴 a story never told 🇷🇴

Running with GIANTS

The HYPERBOREANS 🇷🇴 The first Wise MEN 🇷🇴 The Old TITANS 🇷🇴 „Gigantes, Titanis ac terrae filii” Strabon in Geography X,3,19 leaves proof about this weird kin of Idaean Dactyls which were the discoverers of ironwork: “Thus is the difference of opinion which reigns in these traditions: some state that the Corybants, the Cabeiri, the […]


🇷🇴 Prima țară din lume 🇷🇴 care își scrie istoria în NFT Împreună dezvoltăm o comunitate NFT orientată spre sustenabilitate și viitor pornind de la ORIGINI! Armata digitală GETÆ o să cucerească Imperiul Roman și mai mult ca sigur vrei să te aflii în calitate de investitor în echipa câștigătoare. Știm că titulatura de General […]

The History of Mankind

GETÆ ⚔️ 🇷🇴 ❤️ 💛 💙 The heart of Old EUROPE The story of GETÆ 🇷🇴 the Folk Descended from Gods. In the year 86 Rome once again whips itself into a frenzy and sends a great flood of legionaries to tear down the Holy Country Dio Geta so as to enslave the Folk Descended […]