✨ Aurul GETÆ ✨ Peste 🇷🇴 6000 de ani 🇷🇴 de istorie a aurului ❤️💛💙 Barbara Deppert Lippitz, arheolog și unul dintre cei mai renumiți experți internaționali: “Sunt unul dintre specialiștii cei mai cunoscuți, nu numai în Europa, ci în toată lumea, și spun adevărul. Civilizația getică este magnifică, iar eu sunt mândră că mă […]
THE noble QUEEN of GETÆ Empire
GETÆ GOLD ✨ Homer in the Iliad, says about the Thracians: “Their armies were shining with golden shields and their treasures were so precious that king Priam could take back from the Greeks the head of his dead son, only after they gave them that famous golden Thracian cup.” Over 6000 years of gold ✨ […]
The ancient gold and silver of Romania
The GOLD ✨ catalog ✨ Exhibition catalogue Organized at the initiative of the National Museum of Romanian History in Bucharest, the exhibition The Ancient Gold and Silver of Romania brought together over 1000 archeological pieces made of precious metals, all discovered in Romania. Covering a period between the Eneolithic and Late Antiquity, from the 5th […]