Etichetă: The Mystery of the Danube Civilisation

Prehistoric DACIA 🇷🇴

🇷🇴 The Pelasgians 🇷🇴 & the holy place of the GETÆ In his magnificent work, ”Prehistoric Dacia”, the historian Nicolae Densușianu offers us the long-sought answer, as a conclusion to his assiduous research on the origins of our ancestors: „Even in Greek antiquity, the Pelasgians were the people to whom traditions and poets attributed the […]

The Mystery of the Danube Civilisation

Europe’s 💙💛❤ oldest civilisation Harald Haarmann, German savant: “The oldest writing in the world is that of Tărtăria – Romania. The Danubian Civilization is the first great civilization in history, preceding by thousands of years the Sumerian civilization.” Marco Merlini, Italian archaeologist, about the Tărtăria tablets and the bones found along with them: “The bones, […]