The unbeatable Fortress

Suceava Citadel ⚔️ The Capital of Moldavia
[ roots experience ] ⚔️ VOIEVOZI

The unbeatable Fortress

⚔️ Suceava Citadel

The capital of Moldavia ⚔️

The fortress was first mentioned in 1388, but it was later transformed into a residence castle by Alexander the Good (1400-1432) and strongly fortified by Stephen the Great (1457-1504) when Suceava became the capital of Moldavia. Suceava fortress was built at the end of XIV-th century by Petru I Muşat(1375-1391), it was fortified in XV-th century by Stephen the Great and it was burnt down (through treason) by Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino.

The citadel was both a royal residence and a fortress against foreign armies. Suceava fortress was fortified in such a way that it couldn’t be conquered, despite the fact it was under siege repeatedly by Ottomans… ⚔️ The unbeatable Fortress ⚔️

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Written by p⊕vestea

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