The story of GETÆ 🐺 The Folk Descended from GODS In the year 86 Rome once again whips itself into a frenzy and sends a great flood of legionaries to tear down the Holy Country Dio Geta so as to enslave the Folk Descended from Gods, the stately GETÆ, left testimony by the poet Martial […]
THE noble QUEEN of GETÆ Empire
GETÆ GOLD ✨ Homer in the Iliad, says about the Thracians: “Their armies were shining with golden shields and their treasures were so precious that king Priam could take back from the Greeks the head of his dead son, only after they gave them that famous golden Thracian cup.” Over 6000 years of gold ✨ […]
Destinații Vizionare 🔥
🔥 U N T O L D 🔥 🔥 O poveste nespusă 🔥 la prima Conferință-Eveniment din România pentru Marketing și Management de Destinație. După prezentarea conceptului în 2016 la IMEX America Las Vegas și World Travel Market Londra a sosit momentul să împărtășim experiența noastră practică specialiștilor din industria de turism din România. Din […]