🇷🇴 GETÆ 🇷🇴
Over 6000 years
history of gold ✨
Homer in the Iliad, says about the GETÆ: “Their armies were shining with golden shields and their treasures were so precious that king Priam could take back from the Greeks the head of his dead son, only after they gave them that famous golden Thracian cup.”
Barbara Deppert Lippitz, archaeologist and one of the most renowned international experts: “I am one of the most well-known specialists, not only in Europe, but all over the world, and I am telling the truth. The Getic civilization is magnificent, and I am proud to be fighting for the GETÆ here in your country. You have over 6000 years of gold history! It is your history and only those who do not want it do not look at its true value. In my opinion, you are ✨ the only country in Europe that has its history written in its own gold ✨. And this is a rare and exceptional thing that you can be proud of. Probably only in South America, in Bogota, in the famous gold museum, we can see the gold of the Indians on display, but this is only a part of their history and not a whole history engraved in gold, as you have.
Neither at the Louvre, nor at the British Museum, nor in the museums of the United States do we find what exists in your history museum. Of course, these museums also have many gold exhibits, but they belong to other cultures than those countries. It is unfortunate that you, Romanians, did not take advantage of this history written in gold, as you deserved. And when I say „you would have deserved it,” I am thinking of ✨ what your history has meant to Europe ✨, of the strength that your gold has had in building a civilization worthy of the great civilizations of the world. Here, in your country, we do not find gold bought or obtained through conquests, as in the other museums of the world. Here we are talking exclusively about local gold..”
360 °
Peste 🇷🇴 6000 de ani 🇷🇴
de istorie a aurului 💙💛❤
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