The first Civilisation of Europe

Happy birthday 🇷🇴 ROMANIA 🇷🇴 7529 years of continuity

Happy Birthday

7529 years of continuity
… a story never told 🇷🇴

Marija Gimbutas – professor at U.C.L.A. – Civilization and Culture: “Romania is the hearth of what I named Old Europe, a cultural entity of 6.500 – 3.500 B.C., based on a matriarchal society, theocratic, peaceful, loving and creators of art, that preceded the patriarchal Indo-Europeanized societies of warriors from the bronze and iron age. It became evident that this ancient European civilization precedes the Sumerian by millennia. It was a period of real harmony, in full agreement with the creator energies of nature.”

John Maridis, 1968, professor at University of London, states: “The Neolithic cultures Cucuteni and Gumelnița are maybe Europe’s richest.” Sumerian researcher A. Kifisin: “The ancestors of Rumanians had a powerful influence upon the whole ancient world, respectively upon old Ellada, old Egypt, Sumer and even China.” Klaus Schmidt, German archaeologist: “The peoples of the oldest civilizations of China and Japan had migrated during the Neolithic age, for the most part, from S-E Europe, from the region of Dnieper, Danube and the Balkans.”

🇷🇴 R O M A N I A 🇷🇴

Wilhelm Hoffmann – Description of Earth: “Indeed, nowhere will you find a power of faster understanding, a mind more open, a spirit more alert, accompanied by the gracefulness of being, like one finds with the latter Rumanian. This nation, risen through instruction, should stand in front of the spiritual culture of humanity. And as an addition, its language is so rich and harmonious, it should fit the most cultivated nation on Earth.”

Mihail EminescuThe day will come when the stones will speak the truth, when the book of events will be opened and read so clearly that the whole doctrine of paralogism will not be able to obscure its meaning.” André ArmandIndeed this is one of the oldest peoples of Europe… be them Thracians, Getes or Dacians. The peoples have remained the same since the Neolithic era – polished stone era – until today, so sustaining the continuity of a nation by example, maybe unique in the history of the world.” Daniel Ruzo (1968) – Peruvian explorer (La historia fantastica de un descubrimiento): “The Carpathians are in a region of the world, where the European center of the oldest culture known today was situated.”

Marco Merlini, Italian archaeologist, about the Tărtăria tablets and the bones found along with them: “The bones, as well as the tablets are very old. It is a certainty. It is our turn to think that writing began in Europe, 2.000 years before the Sumerian writing. In Romania we have a great treasure, but it does not belong only to Romania, but to the whole of Europe.”

Harald Haarmann, German savant: “The oldest writing in the world is that of Tărtăria – Romania. The Danubian Civilization is the first great civilization in history, preceding by thousands of years the Sumerian civilization.”

7529 years of continuity 🇷🇴

The Romanian scientific researcher Gabriel Gheorghe according to the University of Cambridge (The Cambridge History of India): “In the 5th millennium B.C., the Getic Carpathian space was the only space inhabited in Europe; The Carpathian, Getic or Wallachian space has represented the OFFICINA GENTIUM in antiquity, it has fueled with people and civilization, India, Persia, Greece, Italy, Germany, France and the so called Slavic space; The Vedas, the oldest literary monuments of humanity were created in the center of Europe. The primary phase of the Vedic culture began in the Carpathians, most likely in Ardeal. From Ardeal come the ancestors of Indians, Persians, Albanians, Greeks, who left for Macedonia and Thessaly, the Latins, Celts, Germans and the ancestors of Slavs, who came out through the Moravian defile.”

Happy birthday 🇷🇴 ROMANIA
Ancient bloodline of nations 🇷🇴

William Schiller – American archaeologist (Where was civilization born?): “Civilization was born where the Romanian people live today, spreading to the east and the west (…) 13.000 – 15.000 years ago.” Jawaharlal Nehru, ex-Prime Minister of India (Discovery of India, Bucharest, The State Publishing House for Political Literature, 1956, p. 77 and 73): “The Vedas are the operas of Aryans who invaded the rich land of India. It is likely that the inclination towards agriculture to have been prompted by newcomers, by the Aryans who infiltrated India in successive waves, coming from Northwest.” Fontes II, p. 19: “The Belagines (The Divine Laws) are the foundation of human civilization.”

🇷🇴 reBranding ROMANIA 🇷🇴
CSR project by B2B Strategy
Written by Daniel ROȘCA

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