Etichetă: B2B Strategy ™

The Origins of Agriculture

The iron 🇷🇴 gates DAM That the Pelasgians reached all the corners of the world and influenced, enriched and also gave birth to many cultures around the world, there is no doubt. When they were already flourishing in the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic space, the Emesh, the Egyptians, the Serbs or the Greeks didn’t even exist yet, emerging […]

The first Civilisation of Europe

Happy Birthday 🇷🇴 ROMANIA 🇷🇴 7529 years of continuity … a story never told 🇷🇴 Marija Gimbutas – professor at U.C.L.A. – Civilization and Culture: “Romania is the hearth of what I named Old Europe, a cultural entity of 6.500 – 3.500 B.C., based on a matriarchal society, theocratic, peaceful, loving and creators of art, […]

Imperiul Getic

🏹 GETÆ Iustin, după Trogus Pompeius: “De trei ori au dobândit stăpânirea Asiei, dar ei înșiși au rămas continuu fie neatinși, fie neînvinși de vreo putere străină. Pe Darius, regele perșilor, l-au gonit din Sciția prin fugă rușinoasă; l-au nimicit pe Cirus cu întreaga lui armată; pe Zopyrion, general al lui Alexandru cel Mare, l-au […]